Question from What Shall i Call Myself:
When will you get around to telling us just what, in your case, was the
deciding factor that swung your opinion towards a creator?
In my case it was my studies of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electro-Chemistry and Astronomy which enabled me to see conclusively the Beauty of Creation and all that it effortlessly accomplishes. Attention must be paid to the tiniest of details in each of the life processes, the environmental interactions and the movement and composition of the Universe. The Theory of Natural Selection as a driving force proved inadequate. The design of all things throughout Creation is masterful.
Quote from What Shall I Call Myself:
It can't be an apparent design in nature because, as you know, we do not
know how a creator created us therefore we would not know what to look
for even if everything was created as you assert.
Creationists and Evolutionists share a paradox: We both truthfully must admit that we do not know "How" any of it came about or changed in our very long and distant past. And it is true that many do not know "where to look" for evidence that would satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, we must look very deeply at all things. Then you are able to "see it." Unless, of course, you really do not want to.
We are free to come to our own conclusions based upon how we "see" things. Although, there may be others who are not happy with how you "see" things. You may be encouraged or pressured to conform your thinking to agree with theirs if you desire to earn a comfortable salary.
Enjoy your freedom while you are able to.